Medical Nutrition Therapy Act -Introduction
Medical Nutrition Therapy Act (MNT Act) is a bill that would expand medical nutrition therapy benefits to Medicare recipients. Many people wonder if Medicare covers a nutritionist. It does, in certain limited circumstances. We cover this in more detail in our article, “Does Medicare Cover a Nutritionist?”
The MNT Act would increase access to this benefit.
The aim of this article is to provide more details on the benefits and status of this important legislation and to inspire others to help us convince Congress to support it.
What is the Medical Nutrition Therapy Act?
The Medical Nutrition Act (MNT Act) was originally introduced in 2020 and reintroduced in 2021. Its purpose is to expand coverage of existing medical nutrition therapy benefits provided to Medicare recipients to include a broader range of medically necessary disease states.
The current Medicare benefit is restricted to only those diagnosed with diabetes, non-dialysis kidney disease (stage 3 and above), and 36 months post kidney transplant when a Medicare beneficiary has been referred by a physician.
What New Conditions Would Be Covered by the Medical Nutrition Therapy Act?
If passed, this bill would expand Medicare medical nutrition therapy to include pre-diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, malnutrition, eating disorders, cancer, gastrointestinal diseases including celiac disease, HIV/AIDS, cardiovascular disease and any other disease or condition causing unintentional weight loss.
We believe that by helping someone that has been newly diagnosed with pre-diabetes make diet and lifestyle changes everyone wins. It says money in the long run and improves a person’s quality of life.
Former president of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Lucille Beseler, MS RDN, LDN, CDE, FAND agrees. Lucille Beseler is a certified diabetes educator and founder of Family Nutrition Center of South Florida.
Listen as Ms. Beseler and I chat about the MNT Act as it specifically relates to someone with pre-diabetes.
In addition, the Medicare Nutrition Therapy Act will further authorize the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services to expand Medicare medical nutrition therapy coverage for other diseases or conditions, as deemed medically necessary.
Why is the MNT Act important?
According to Krista Yoder Latortue, MPH, RD, LDN, PMP, PBA, FAND the MNT Act will increase access to reliable nutrition information, counseling and medical nutrition therapy. Ms. Yoder Latortue is the founder of Family Food, a nutritional counseling provider in Philadelphia and advocate of evidence-based care and health equity.
Listen as Krista Yoder Latortue and I discuss why access to reliable nutrition information is so important to the public, especially vulnerable populations such as the elderly.
Medical Nutrition Therapy Act Bill Details & Status
The Medical Nutrition Therapy Act of 2021 (S. 1536/H.R. 3108), aka The MNT Act, is a bi-partisan bill that increases access to nutritional services for medicare beneficiaries.
The MNT Act was introduced by Senators Susan Collins (R-ME) and Gary Peters (D-MI) and Representatives Robin Kelly (D-IL) and Fred Upton (R-MI) during the 117th Congress (2021-2022).
- As of 7/31/22
- No roll call votes, what’s up with that???
- The bill has 8 Congressional Supporters, including 5 Democrats, 2 Republicans, 1 Independent.
- No one in my home state of Florida, btw. Shame, shame, not for my lack of trying.
- The bill is supported by the Bipartisan Policy Center.
- As of 5/11/21
- Referred to Energy & Commerce
- Referred to Ways & Means
Florida Congressional Representatives
- Ways & Means Committee Members
- Vern Buchanan, Republican, District 16 (Sarasota)
- Energy & Commerce
- Kathy Castor, Democrat, District 14 (Tampa)
- Darren Soto, Democrat, District 9 (Polk, Osceola)
- Gus Bilirakis, Republican, District 12 (Palm Harbor)
- As of 7/31/22 there are no representatives supporting the MNT Act
- House co-sponsors- Florida- none
- Senate co-sponsors- Florida- none
Is Medical Nutrition Therapy Act Worth the Cost?
The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics has provided Congress with evidence of the effectiveness of medical nutrition therapy in preventing further complications and worsened quality of life for those with chronic health conditions.
New evidence shows that diet related chronic conditions are associated with poor outcomes for those with COVID-19. In the Diet quality and risk and severity of COVID-19: a prospective cohort study researchers concluded “that efforts to address disparities in COVID-19 risk and severity should consider specific attention to improve nutrition as a social determinants of health.”
Additionally, covering medical nutrition therapy promotes health equity among minority communities with higher rates of nutrition-related chronic diseases. An editorial in the New England Journal of Medicine, Covid-19 and Disparities in Nutrition and Obesity states that “the health disparities in nutrition and obesity correlate closely with the alarming racial and ethnic disparities related to Covid-19.”
What Organizations are Supporting the Medical Nutrition Therapy Act?
Many community, health-related and national organizations are supporting the MNT Act.
Read why these organizations have added their support.
- Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
- African American Health Alliance
- American Association on Health and Disability
- American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network
- American College of Lifestyle Medicine
- American College of Osteopathic Physicians
- American Diabetes Association
- American Gastroenterological Association
- American Heart Association
- American Institute for Cancer Research
- American Nurses Association
- Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
- African American Health Alliance
- American Association on Health and Disability
- American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network
- American College of Lifestyle Medicine
- American Diabetes Association
- American Gastroenterological Association
- American Heart Association
- American Institute for Cancer Research
- American Nurses Association
- American Optometric Association
- American Podiatric Medical Association
- American Psychological Association
- American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery
- American Society for Nephrology
- American Society for Nutrition
- American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
- American Society for Preventive Cardiology
- American Society on Aging
- Association of Community Cancer Centers
- Association of State Public Health Nutritionists
- Celiac Disease Foundation
- Coalition for Kidney Health
- Common Threads
- Defeat Malnutrition Today
- Eating Disorders Coalition for Research, Policy & Action
- Endocrine Society
- Food Industry Association
- Food is Medicine Coalition
- Global Liver Institute
- Healthcare Leadership Council
- Healthcare Nutrition Council
- HIV + Hepatitis Policy Institute
- MedTech Coalition for Metabolic Health
- National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs
- National Board of Physician Nutrition Specialists
- National Lipid Association
- National WIC Association
- Obesity Action Coalition
- Obesity Medicine Association
- Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
- Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association
- Providence Saint Joseph Health
- Public Health Institute
- Redstone Global Center for Prevention and Wellness
- Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior
- The National Kidney Foundation
- The Obesity Society
- Us Against Alzheimer’s
Does Anyone Oppose the Medical Nutrition Therapy Act?
To my knowledge, no individual or organization opposes the Medical Nutrition Therapy. Unfortunately, it is stuck in committee so no one has to vote on it yet and it could ultimately die in committee, like its predecessor the MNT Act of 2020.
I’ve personally reached out to my personal Congressional Representative, Darren Soto, via phone and email several times but have gotten no response from his office.
How Can I Help Support the Medical Nutrition Therapy Act?
We need your help. Please don’t let this important legislation die in committee. Things you can do:
- Click on the blue button to send a letter to your congressional rep.
- Share this post with everyone you know.
- Talk to your doctor.
- Suggest they bring in a dietitian to the office. This makes accessing medical nutrition therapy easier.
- Call your congressional representative and ask them to support the MNT Act.
- If you are a dietitian and would like to help spread the word about the MNT Act, please connect with me.
About the Author

Wendimere Reilly, RDN LDN is the Director of Clinical Nutrition for Urban Health and Orlando Family Physicians (both part of the Innovacare Health Family). She has pioneered bringing nutritional services into the primary care medical setting. She serves as President-elect for the Central Florida Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics.
For those that prefer the online learning environment she has created Better Health Membership and Group Coaching Program and can be found on social as The Health Chic.
Reilly is a firm believer that people shouldn’t see the dietitian nutritionist for the first time in the hospital or nursing home, as she has worked in both settings. Nutrition is good medicine. Doctors and dietitians should be working together to help patients improve self-efficacy and quality of life.
During the past four years of working in primary care she has shown that having a dietitian as part of the interdisciplinary care team is financially sustainable, good business, smart healthcare and time and time again, good for the patient. Changing the way healthcare is delivered in Florida and raising the bar. Starting with just one office in Clermont, her scope now includes 17 offices in Central Florida and growing.